Service – Simplified Chinese to English, Traditional Chinese to English, English to Simplified Chinese, English to Traditional Chinese Translation
Category – Academic and Industry Area Translation
Discipline – Business & Economics
Humanities and Social Sciences have many branches such as sociology, political science, psychology, demography, history, law, linguistics, anthropology, etc. Unlike translation for other subjects, translation of these subjects goes beyond word-to-word translation. Translators face the challenge of layers of interpretation and numerous subjective paths given the nature of the subjects. Translating such text requires not only subject knowledge and good language skills but also good cultural understanding. It requires specific terminology and a certain style that reflect the linguistic and socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience.
We are looking to hire professionals for translating jobs online from Chinese to English and English to Chinese with adequate subject matter expertise and experience in Humanities and Social Sciences.
At Ulatus, we have a highly qualified team of Humanities and Social Sciences translators and are looking for talented translators to be a part of our Chinese ↔ English translation team. We are hiring for the following sub-disciplines under Humanities and Social Sciences:
Applicants will be evaluated for both their linguistic skills and their subject matter expertise.
Our company is committed to the highest levels of translation quality and we expect our freelance translators to be of the same caliber. If you qualify for the below points, please apply for our online translation jobs.
10年以上の日英翻訳チェッカー経験を持つ。オレゴン州第二言語 基準第Ⅳ口頭試験(日本語版)の認定を受ける。過去にセントラル・ワシントン大学などの教育機関にて翻訳者として活動した経験を持つ。アメリカ翻訳者協会員。
This translator has more than 12 years of translation experience in 20 years of professional life. He is Japanese native and currently resides in Japan.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciencesなどのジャーナルで15年以上の校正や査読経験を持つ。エバーハルト・カール大学テュービンゲンにて博士号を取得。米国考古学会および国際動物考古学評議会員。
6年の日英・英日翻訳、通訳の経験を持ち、トラドスの知識もある。INALCO Universityにて日本語・日本文化を専攻後、日本語学で人文科学の修士号を取得。ビジネス文書、学術文書、技術レポート、医薬文書、ソフトウェアのローカライゼーション文書、契約書からビジュアルメディア関連文書まで、幅広く手がける。