Application Form

Comodo SecureWe are an ISO 17100:2015 certified - Requirements For Translation Service and ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified - Information Security Management System company for establishing a robust Information Security Management System (ISMS). This is testimony to the fact that we pay strict vigilance on information protection and security. Besides, we use 128-bit Public / Private key encryption for data and files transfers, and hold high assurance SSL certificates, which is a globally accepted security certificate and is the highest measure to prevent security threats and plagiarism.

Contact Details
First Name *
Last Name (Family Name) *
Country of Residence *
Native speaker of *
Primary Email ID *
Service Details
Source language * Target language * Role * Translation rate *
Translation Rate
in USD/character
Interpreter Rate
in USD/hour
Translation check rate
in USD/character
Voice over Rate
in USD/10 min
Translation Rate
in USD/character
Interpreter Rate
in USD/hour
Translation check rate
in USD/character
Voice over Rate
in USD/10 min
Subject area/Industry area position applied for
Mention subject/industry area applied for – e.g. Medicine, Law, Engineering *
Educational Qualifications *
e.g., MS in Organic Chemistry
Years of Translation Experience *
Any Academic Paper Translated? *
Industries/Business/Technical Documents Translated  
Other Information
Please enlist memberships of translation associations or other professional bodies (if any)  
How did you hear about us? *
Please mention the specific website or forum
Resume Upload
Please upload your CV (English Version / word, Excel, or PDF)
Prove you are not a robot. *