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Original Document

2016년 10월, 저자들은 후쿠오카 현의 특정 공립 대학에서 공부하는 인문계 학생들을 대상으로 정량적 조사를 실시했습니다. 설문조사 질문은 다음 영역와 관련이 있습니다. 1) 인터넷 사용, 2) 컴퓨터 기술 및 기본적인 컴퓨터 지식 수준, 3) 무선 근거리 통신망(LAN) 사용, 4) 인터넷 위험 인식 수준, 5) 과거 경험 6) 인터넷 보안에 대해 적극적으로 배우지 않눈 이유. 설문 조사 결과를 바탕으로 2019년 7월 위 대학의 1학년생 학생들을 위한 정보 보안 강의 커리큘럼을 수정했습니다. 이 연구에서 우리는 개정된 교육 프로그램의 효과를 측정하고 추가 개정 가능성에 대해 논의합니다. 개정의 효과를 분명히 볼 수 있습니다. 개정 전 강의를 수강한 학생과 개정 강의를 수강한 학생을 비교하여, 후자의 경우 다음과 같은 경향이 관찰되었습니다. 1) 학생들이 컴퓨터 보안 조치의 적용에 대해 더 나은 지식을 가지고 있었고, 2) 신중하게 생각하지 않고 공용 무선 LAN에 연결하는 것을 기피하는 경향이 있었고, 3) 애드웨어 또는 브라우저 하이재커에 의해 사기를 당하는 학생 수가 감소했으며 4) 소셜 네트워크 서비스 관련 문제에 참여하는 학생수가 감소했습니다.

Translated Document

A native translator who is also a subject expert translates the original document

In October 2016, we conducted a quantitative survey targeting humanities students of a certain public university in Fukuoka Prefecture, and in this survey, asked about the following: 1) Internet usage. 2) Whether they have computer skills and basic computer knowledge. 3) Wireless LAN usage. 4) Level of understanding of risk on the Internet. 5) Past incidents. 6) Reasons they are not proactive in learning about internet security. Based on findings from this survey, in July 2019, we revised the content of an internet security lecture toward freshmen at this university. This present paper measures the effectiveness of our revised educational program, and discusses potential for further revision. To state the conclusion first, the effect of the revision could be clearly seen. Compared to students who received the lecture before revision, for the students who received the revised lecture, the following tendencies were observed: 1) Sounder practice of computer security measures. 2) A tendency to avoid connecting to public wireless LANs without careful thought. 3) The number of students victimized by adware or browser hijackers decreased. 4) The number of students involved in SNS related troubles decreased.

Cross Checked Document

The translated document is then checked by a cross checker for any translation errors

Final Document

The final document is then delivered to client

Yazarlar, Ekim 2016'da Fukuoka Vilayetindeki bir devlet üniversitesinde okuyan beşeri bilimler öğrencilerini hedef alan nicel bir anket gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Anket soruları aşağıdaki alanlarla ilgilidir: 1) internet kullanımı, 2) bilgisayar becerileri ve temel bilgisayar bilgisi düzeyi, 3) Kablosuz Yerel Alan Ağı (LAN) kullanımı, 4) internet riskleri farkındalık düzeyi, 5) geçmiş olaylara ilişkin deneyim ve 6) internet güvenliği hakkında bilfiil bilgi edinmeme nedenleri. Anket bulgularına dayanarak, Temmuz 2019'da söz konusu üniversitedeki birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin aldığı bir bilgi güvenliği dersinin müfredatını revize ettik. Bu çalışmada, revize edilmiş eğitim programımızın etkinliğini ölçüyor ve daha fazla revizyon potansiyelini tartışıyoruz. Revizyonun etkileri açıkça görülebilmektedir. Revizyondan önceki derse katılan öğrenciler ile revize edilen derse katılan öğrenciler karşılaştırıldığında, revize edilen derse katılan öğrencilerde aşağıdaki eğilimler gözlenmiştir: 1) Bu öğrenciler bilgisayar güvenlik önlemlerinin uygulanması konusunda daha iyi bilgiye sahiptirler, 2) bu öğrenciler dikkatli düşünmeden halka açık kablosuz LAN'lara bağlanmaktan kaçınma eğilimi göstermektedirler, 3) reklam yazılımları veya tarayıcı korsanları tarafından dolandırılan öğrenci sayısı azalmıştır, 4) sosyal ağ hizmetleri (SNS) ile ilgili sorunlar yaşayan öğrenci sayısı azalmıştır.

In October 2016, we conducted a quantitative survey targeting humanities students of a certain public university in Fukuoka Prefecture, and in this survey, asked about the following: 1) Internet usage. 2) Whether they have computer skills and basic computer knowledge. 3) Wireless LAN usage. 4) Level of understanding of risk on the Internet. 5) Past incidents. 6) Reasons they are not proactive in learning about internet security. Based on findings from this survey, in July 2019, we revised the content of an internet security lecture toward freshmen at this university. This present paper measures the effectiveness of our revised educational program, and discusses potential for further revision. To state the conclusion first, the effect of the revision could be clearly seen. Compared to students who received the lecture before revision, for the students who received the revised lecture, the following tendencies were observed: 1) Sounder practice of computer security measures. 2) A tendency to avoid connecting to public wireless LANs without careful thought. 3) The number of students victimized by adware or browser hijackers decreased. 4) The number of students involved in SNS related troubles decreased.


  • 1Corrected a mistranslation.
  • 2The text has been proofread to clarify the content.
  • 3Corrected a mistranslation.
  • 4Corrected a mistranslation.
  • 5Corrected a mistranslation.
  • 6Fixed the omission.

Ensure Technical Precision Across Industries with Expert Translations Tailored for the I.T Industry.

Our Success Story

EnCompass Case Study

A Multinational Corporation Manufacturing Automobiles

Ulatus helps a Leading Automotive Company to Lower its Translation Cost by 75%

Client: A Japanese public multinational corporation known for automobile manufacturing

Service: Japanese to English translation + DTP

Discipline: Automotive Engineering

Volume: 3,900,000 characters with daily output of around 28,000 characters

Translation Level: Translation + Translation check + Native check

EnCompass Case Study


A top clinical trial platform company providing decentralized trials on a global platform to unify clinical trial solutions.

Service Type: App localization, On-device testing, web testing, LQA and creation of style guide & glossary

Language Pair: English to 54 languages

Industry:Applications for pharmaceutical and clinical research organizations

Translation of Maritime Laws

Leading fabless company engaged in advanced memory technology and IC solutions

Service Type: Website Localization

Language Pair: English to Chinese

Word count: 62,052 words

Website: https://www.gigadevice.com/zh-hans/

Industry: Memory technology and IC solutions

EnCompass Case Study

A Multinational Corporation Manufacturing Automobiles

Ulatus helps a Leading Automotive Company to Lower its Translation Cost by 75%

Client: A Japanese public multinational corporation known for automobile manufacturing

Service: Japanese to English translation + DTP

Discipline: Automotive Engineering

Volume: 3,900,000 characters with daily output of around 28,000 characters

Translation Level: Translation + Translation check + Native check

EnCompass Case Study


A top clinical trial platform company providing decentralized trials on a global platform to unify clinical trial solutions.

Service Type: App localization, On-device testing, web testing, LQA and creation of style guide & glossary

Language Pair: English to 54 languages

Industry:Applications for pharmaceutical and clinical research organizations

Translation of Maritime Laws

Leading fabless company engaged in advanced memory technology and IC solutions

Service Type: Website Localization

Language Pair: English to Chinese

Word count: 62,052 words

Website: https://www.gigadevice.com/zh-hans/

Industry: Memory technology and IC solutions

EnCompass Case Study

A Multinational Corporation Manufacturing Automobiles

Ulatus helps a Leading Automotive Company to Lower its Translation Cost by 75%

Client: A Japanese public multinational corporation known for automobile manufacturing

Service: Japanese to English translation + DTP

Discipline: Automotive Engineering

Volume: 3,900,000 characters with daily output of around 28,000 characters

Translation Level: Translation + Translation check + Native check


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Ulatus can translate a wide range of I.T. documents, including software manuals, technical specifications, website content, training materials, and more.
Ulatus follows stringent security protocols, including confidentiality agreements and secure data transmission methods, to ensure the utmost protection of sensitive I.T. information.
Absolutely, Ulatus specializes in multilingual website localization to help I.T. companies reach global audiences effectively.
Ulatus welcomes client feedback and provides a collaborative platform for revisions, ensuring the final translation aligns perfectly with client expectations.

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