Translation Samples


Original Document

Translated Document

A native translator who is also a subject expert translates the original document

Cross Checked Document

The translated document is then checked by a cross checker for any translation errors


  • 1[Redundancy] Eliminating redundant words
  • 2[Word Choice] Here "male" and "female" students look more appropriate than "men" and "women" students
  • 3[Tense] Revised for the correct use of tense
  • 4[Punctuation] Deleting the incorrect comma
  • 5[Redundancy] Eliminating unnecessary text
  • 6[Preposition] Adding proper preposition to meet the grammar rules
  • 7[Conciseness] Revised to make it short and concise
  • 8[Readability] Revisions made to improve the overall readability of the sentence

Final Document

The final document is then delivered to client

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