Service – Chinese to English and English to Chinese Translation
Category – Academic and Industry Area Translation
Discipline – Business & Economics
The areas of accounting, investment, economics, business management, marketing, banking, and finance are key in the corporate system today. Banking and Finance is the pulse of every economy, including the global economy. To operate across borders, organizations working in these areas have an ever-increasing demand for translation, which can further be attributed to globalization and increasing power of internet. Business and Economics translation requires a diverse range of specializations from industry reports to mathematical modeling, familiarity with different terminology, understanding of new concepts/products, and up-to-date knowledge of laws and regulations.
We are looking to hire professionals for translating jobs online from Chinese to English and English to Chinese with adequate subject matter expertise and experience in Business & Economics.
We are hiring translators and checkers for
We have a highly qualified team of Business & Economics translators and are looking for talented translators to be a part of our Chinese <> English translation team. Applicants will be evaluated for their linguistic skills as well as subject matter expertise.
Our company is committed to the highest levels of translation quality and we expect our freelance translators to be of the same caliber. If you qualify for the below points, please apply for our online translation jobs.
11年の日英・英日翻訳の経験を持つ。University of Washingtonで修士号、神戸大学で学士号を法学で取得。修士論文のテーマは米・英・日における金融ルールの比較、学士論文のテーマはEUにおける国際安全保障・国際協定。融資契約書、担保協定書、保証書、クレジット申込書、プレゼンテーション文書、財務分析レポート、政府機関へのレポートなど多くの翻訳経験がある。
国際関係とアジア政治の修士号保持者で、8年の日英・英日翻訳と通訳の経験がある。専門分野は、国際関係、政治科学、アジア研究、人類学、社会学、文化研究、旅行・観光業、歴史。世界数百にわたる大学の成績トップ15%に入る学士のみが招待される、Golden Key International Honour Societyのメンバーでもある。
翻訳者・チェッカーとして21年のキャリアがあり、高度な日本語スキルを保有している。(JLPT 1級)ビジネス文書、契約書、プレスリリースなどを手がけるほか、英語教師としてESL生徒に英語を教えている。