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Pt/모데나이트 제올라이트 촉매의 SEM 영상은 그림 2에 나타나 있으며 촉매가 균질한 형태를 가지고 있음을 보인다. 표면적은 촉매 활동에 핵심적인 역할을 한다. 표면적이 높으면 반응제의 흡수가 개선된다. 촉매의 표면적은 BET 표면 분석으로 측정된다. Pt/모데나이트 제올라이트의 표면적은 296.69 m2/g였다. Pt/모데나이트 제올라이트의 XRD 패턴(그림 3)은 2θ = 6°–30°에서 가장 강렬한 최대 회절를 보인다. 제올라이트의 MOR 구조와 좋은 결정 특성이 확인되었다.
펜타인 이성질체의 이원 혼합물에서 순수 n-펜타인과 n-펜타인의 하이드로 이성질체화는 광범위한 실험 조건에서 Pt/모데나이트 촉매를 통해 수행되었다. 하이드로 변환 제품은 이성질화 및 균열 제품으로 구성된다. 다음 하위 섹션에서는 반응 매개 변수가 공급원으로서 순수 n-펜타인의 촉매 성능에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 다룬다. 이 성능은 촉매 활성 및 이성질체화의 선별성에 의해 입증된다. 그렇다면, 이원 혼합물에서 n-펜타인의 이성질체화에 대해 논의하겠다.
그림 4는 n-펜타인의 변환을 반응 온도 함수로 보여준다. 반응은 대기압 150 °C에서 350 °C 온도 범위의 H2 환경에서 수행되었다. 촉매는 특히 220°C–350°C의 온도 범위에서 n-펜타인이 이성질체화가 되도록 강한 촉매 작용을 하는 것으로 보인다. 촉매의 낮은 활성도와 n-펜타인의 낮은 반응성 때문에, n-펜타인의 변환은 180°C 미만의 온도에서 무시할 수 있다. 온도를 180 °C에서 220 °C로 높임으로써, n-펜타인의 변환은 크게 증가했지만, 온도를 더 높이면 변환 속도가 느려진다. 이는 온도가 180°C-220°C 범위로 증가할 때 반응을 위해 활성화될 수 있는 영역의 수가 증가하기 때문에 일어나는 것일 수 있다. 그러나, 고온에서의 열역학적 제한으로 인해 온도가 올라가면 변환 속도가 떨어지기 시작한다. 즉, 온도를 높이면 항상 반응 속도가 높아진다. 낮은 온도에서, 실제 변환은 낮은 반응 속도 때문에 평형 변환보다 훨씬 낮을 것이다. 반대로 고온에서는 반응 속도가 높아 평형 변환이 더 쉬워진다.
Figure 2 shows an SEM image of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst. The image indicates the catalyst has a homogeneous morphology. The surface area is key in the catalyst activity. Higher surface area improves the reactant adsorption. The catalysts surface area was measured by BET. The surface area of Pt/mordneite zeolites were 296.69 m2/gm. The XRDs pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intense diffraction at 2θ = 6 - 30o, and it thus confirmed structure of zeolite as the MOR as well as its crystalline nature being good.
The hydroisomerization of pure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers was performed by the Pt/mordenite catalyst for wide ranges of experimental conditions. The hydrological conversion products comprise of both isomerization and cracking products. Hence the following subsections discuss reaction parameters effects with the catalytic performance of pure n-pentane as feed are demonstrated by catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. After this, the isomerization of n-pentane in the bi mixture is discussed.
Figure 4 shows the conversion of npentane as a function of reaction temperature. The tests were performed in an H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150 - 350 °C at atmosphere pressures. It clearly shows that the catalyst showed a high catalysing activity for the isomerization of npentane, particularly in the temperature ranging in 220-350 ° C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible from temperatures below 180 °C. By increasing the temperature at 180 to 220 °C, the conversion of n-pentane rose greatly; however, a further increase in temperature slowly rises conversion. This can be caused by an increasing the number of sites which can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increases in the range from 180 - 220 °C; but, the rate of conversion decreases because of thermodynamic restriction at bigger temperature. In other words, an increasing temperature always means increasing reaction rate. Thus at low temperatures the actual conversion will be far below the equilibrium conversion because of low reaction rate. On the contrary at higher temperatures the equilibrium conversion will be more easy due to a high reaction rate.
Figure 2shows anAn SEM image of the Pt/mordenitezeolite catalyst. The image is shown in Figure 2 and indicatesthat thecatalyst has a homogeneous morphology. The surface area isplays akey rolein the catalystcatalyticactivity. HigherHigh surface areaimproves the reactant adsorption. ofreactants. The catalysts surface area of thecatalyst was measured by BET. surface analysis.1 The surface area of Pt/mordneite2mordenitezeolites were 296.69 m2/gm. The XRDsXRDpattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intensediffraction peaks at 2θ = 6 - 30o, and it thusconfirmed 30othe MOR structure ofzeolite asthe MOR as well asand its good crystallinenature beinggood. are thus confirmed.3
The hydroisomerizationof pure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers wasperformed by the Pt/mordenite catalyst forunder awide rangesrangeof experimental conditions. The hydrological hydro-4conversionproducts comprise of both isomerization and cracking products. Hence theThefollowing subsections discuss cover how the reactionparameters effects withaffect thecatalytic performance of pure n-pentane as the feed are, which isdemonstrated by catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity.5 After thisThen,the isomerization of n-pentane in the bibinarymixture is discussed in the last part of this section6.
Figure 4 showsthe conversion of npentane as a function of reaction temperature. The testsreactions7were performed in an H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150- 350 °C at atmosphere pressures. It clearly shows that the catalyst showed ahigh catalysing activity for the isomerization of npentane,particularly in the temperature ranging inrange of 220-350° C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity ofn-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible from temperatures below180 °C. By increasing the temperature at 180 to 220 °C, the conversion ofn-pentane roseincreased greatly;however, a further increase in increasingthe temperature slowly risesfurther results in a slow8conversion. This can be caused by an increasing the number of siteswhich can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increases in therange from 180 - 220 °C; but, the rate of conversion decreases because ofthermodynamic restriction at bigger temperature. In other words, an increasingthe temperaturealways meansincreasingresults in a higher reaction rate.Thus at low temperatures, the actual conversion will be farbelow the equilibrium conversion because of low reaction rate. On the contraryat higher temperatures the equilibrium conversion will be more easy due to a highreaction rate.
Figure 2shows anAn SEMA scanning electron microscopy1 image of thePt/mordenite zeolite catalyst. The image is shown in Figure 2and which indicatesthat thecatalyst has a homogeneous morphology. The surface area plays a key role in the catalyticactivity. is homogeneousHigher.Highsurface area improves the reactant adsorption, of reactants. thus playing a key role in the catalytic activity2. The catalysts surfacearea ofthe Pt/mordenitezeolite3 catalyst was4 measured by BET.Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface analysis5. Thesurface area of Pt/was 296.69 m2/gmordneitemordenite zeoliteswerem6.The XRDX-raypowder diffraction pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3)exhibits the most intense diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6 - 30o,and it thus confirmed 6°–30o7, thus confirming the MOR structure ofzeolite asthe MOR as well as and its good crystallinenature beinggood. are thus confirmed.8
Thehydroisomerization of pure Pure n-pentane andn-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers was performed byhydroisomerized usingthe Pt/mordenite catalyst forunder a wide rangesrangeof experimental conditions. The hydrological hydro-conversion9 products comprise ofprocessyielded both isomerization and cracking products. Hence theThe In the followingsubsections, discuss cover howthe effects of reaction parameters effects with10affect on thecatalytic performance of pure n-pentane as the feed are which is demonstratedbybased oncatalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. 11After thisThen,the isomerization of n-pentane in the bibinarymixture is discussed in the last part of this section.12
Figure 4 showsthe conversion of npentane n-pentane13 as a function ofreaction temperature. The testsreactions14 wereperformed in an H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150 °C to 350 °C at atmospherepressures. It clearly shows that theatmospheric pressure. The catalyst showeda high catalysing activity for the isseen to strongly catalyze the isomerization of npentanen-pentane, particularlyin the temperature ranging inrange of 220 °C-350 °C. Because of the low activity of thecatalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane isnegligible from at temperatures below 180 °C. By increasing thetemperature at from180 °C to 220 °C, theconversion of n-pentane roseincreased greatlysignificantly;however, a further increase in increasingthe temperature slowly risesfurther results in a slowconversion.15 This can be caused by attributed to an increase inthe number of sites anincreasingwhich that can be activated for the reaction when thetemperatures increases in the range from 180 °C- 220 °C; buthowever,the rate ofconversion decreases ratebegins to decrease as the temperature increases because ofthermodynamic restrictions at bigger higher temperatures. In other words, an increasing the temperaturealways means increasingresults in ahigherfaster reaction rate. ThusatAt low temperatures,the low reaction rates cause the actualconversion will to be far below the equilibrium conversion because of low reaction rate. On the contraryIncontrast at higher temperatures theequilibrium conversion will be more easyis easily achieved due to a the highreaction rate.
A scanning electron microscopy image of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst is shown in Figure 2 which indicates that the catalyst morphology is homogeneous .High surface area improves the reactant adsorption, thus playing a key role in the catalytic activity . The surface area of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst measured by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface analysis.was 296.69 m2/g. The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intense diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6°–30°, thus confirming the MOR structure of zeolite as well as its good crystalline nature .
Pure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers was hydroisomerized using the Pt/mordenite catalyst under a wide range of experimental conditions. The hydro-conversion process yielded both isomerization and cracking products. In the following subsections, the effects of reaction parameters on the catalytic performance of pure n-pentane as the feed are demonstrated based on catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. Then, the isomerization of n-pentane in the binary mixture is discussed in the last part of this section.
Figure 4 shows the conversion of n-pentane as a function of reaction temperature. The reactions were performed in an H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150 °C to 350 °C at at atmospheric pressure. The catalyst is seen to strongly catalyze the isomerization of n-pentane, particularly in the temperature range of 220 °C–350 °C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible at temperatures below 180 °C. By increasing the temperature from 180 °C to 220 °C, the conversion of n-pentane increased significantly; however, increasing the temperature further results in a slow conversion. This can be attributed to an increase in the number of sites that can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increases in the range from 180 - 220 °C; however, the r conversion rate begins to decrease as the temperature increases because of thermodynamic restrictions at higher temperatures. In other words, increasing the temperature results in a faster reaction rate. At low temperatures, the low reaction rates cause the actual conversion to be far below the equilibrium conversion rate. In contrast at higher temperatures the equilibrium conversion is easily achieved due to the high reaction rate.
현지화 솔루션에 있어서 율라투스는 가장 효율적인 구조와 장치를 제공하여 모든 프로젝트에서 최대 품질을 보장합니다!
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저희 업무의 기술적 본질 상 정확한 내용이 절대적으로 요구되기 때문에 아주 뛰어난 언어 서비스 제공자의 도움이 필요했습니다. 율라투스에서 우리의 목표를 이룰 수 있는 완벽한 파트너를 찾았습니다. 주제 분야 전문가, 데스크탑 퍼블리싱 전문가, 기술적으로 숙련된 직원 등이 적절히 조화된 팀의 노력으로 우리 프로젝트는 처음 구상했던 것 이상으로 확실히 구현되었습니다.
이번 건은 현지화의 다양한 측면이 포함된 점을 고려할 때 복잡한 프로젝트였어요. 예를 들면, 텍스트나 자막, 화상 표시 문자(On-screen text, OST) 번역, 보이스오버 서비스 및 클라이언트 프로덕트 플랫폼에 이러한 디지털 자산들을 통합시키는 것이었습니다. 율라투스 팀은 이번 프로젝트에 대해 약속된 모든 결과물을 충족시키는 동시에 매우 어렵고 짧은 시간 내에 매우 뛰어난 작업 성과를 보여주었습니다.
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