The overriding principle at Ulatus is that all content in the files for translation check is included in the character count and is hence is meant to be checked, unless specified otherwise. This includes
1.Body or main text
2.Figures, tables, and charts, whether editable or embedded
3.Any text embedded within an image or object
4.References, bibliography, and citations
5.Footnotes and endnotes
6.Author-inserted comments, unless they are instructions for the translation team
You will need to check all of the above. Only in case there are specific instructions, can portions of the text be excluded from the translation check. For example:
“Translate from page 2 to page 6 (both pages inclusive) of the file”
“Translate Section 4 (Discussion) and Section 5 (Conclusion)”
“Do not translate the text in the figures, but translate the captions”
Q. Do you assign batch-wise deadlines for a single assignment? What are the general rules to be followed for such assignments?
A. Yes, we do assign batch-wise deadlines when the assignment is long. This is mainly to facilitate work by the other stakeholders on the file within the deadline stipulated by the client.
The deadlines will be mentioned in the assignment email as follows:
This is a special assignment, so please be extra careful while checking this document and give it your best input. Due to the size of the assignment, please deliver it in equal-sized batches in the following schedule:
Batch 1: Saturday, October 8, 2015, 12:00 IST
Batch 2: Monday, October 10, 2015, 12:00 IST
Batch 3: Wednesday, October 12, 2015, 12:00 IST
The important points to keep in mind are as follows:
Divide the file in equal parts as per the number of batches, e.g., in the above case, the 15,000-character file should be divided into 3 batches of 5000 characters each.
All batches should contain only batch-related content (original and translation). Content from previous and subsequent batches should not be present. While working on subsequent batches, if you realize that you need to revise a previous batch, please do so and mention this in your email with supporting reasons.