We at Ulatus believe that outstanding teamwork is key to achieving high quality of translation.
Thus, it is imperative that all parties involved in the translation chain (including the client if s/he opts for it) interact continually and effectively with ease. This communication platform facilitates effective and prompt communication among all parties. Through this platform, all members can collaborate on an assignment by discussing and resolving any doubts/queries/clarifications while the assignment is in progress.
The objective of ulatusCommunicate is effective and prompt communication
between you and the client
among Translator, Translation Checker, Project Management team, and Editors
For a detailed background on ulatusCommunicate, we advise you to refer to
*IMPORTANT NOTE: The client may or may not choose to be a part of the forum.
If s/he chooses to use the forum, all queries should be posted on the same for the client.
If not, then please use the Questions Sheet for the client.