Developing a multilingual website is one of the most effective ways to draw new customers, since it attracts people in regions that were once difficult to reach. Perhaps one of the most important features of a multilingual site is a blog, which 60% of consumers say influences their decisions early in their buying process. Of course, having a multilingual blog comes with its challenges, with one of the primary decisions being whether blog posts should be translated from one language to another or whether different writers should create original content in each target language.

Here is a look at the benefits and downsides of translating blog posts and writing articles geared toward specific languages.

Will Translating Blog Posts Be Enough?

In some ways, it might seem to make the most sense to translate original blog posts to each target language, depending on the timeframe and budget for the work. By working with a professional translation services company, you can be certain your blog posts will be translated with precision.

Some of the reasons to opt for translation include:

  • Translations have the potential to be more accurate, especially if a native speaker of the target language is working on the translation.
  • This option would save money because there is no requirement to hire individual writers of each language to create unique blog posts every time.
  • Depending on how often new blog posts are added to the website, translated content could be less cumbersome and easier to manage.
  • Translating blog material is more efficient, particularly because the overall content will already be available, rather than waiting on a writer to complete their work.

The downsides of translating your blog, rather than hiring writers, are:

  • Important aspects of the content could be lost in the translation process; if something is written in one language, the meaning, intent, and messaging will likely not completely carry over to another language. However, this can be countered by having a translator who is a subject matter expert in your industry post-edit the article, especially if it was machine translated.
  • Even if a company has a cultural understanding of the target region, clients who read the translated article might think differently. It is critical to ensure that the translated blog posts resonate with the target audience.
  • Straightforward translation can end up with a layout problem, especially since text expansion and contraction occur depending on the language. Of course, these issues can be addressed before posting the blog, but it does require an additional step.

Is Hiring Writers the Best Approach?

If the idea of translating blog content does not suit the goals of the website, then hiring writers could be the answer. This option has a number of benefits, such as:

  • A writer will be able to select and tailor topics that are personalized for the target market, thus engaging the readers. With inherent knowledge of a region and some research, a writer can find angles on articles that will appeal to the audience.
  • Writers from the region can write in such a way that shows an understanding of an area’s unique culture.
  • A regional writer can focus on ensuring that all of the content, including accompanying visuals, have value to the clients.
  • Content that is written rather than translated will allow for better-placed search engine optimization (SEO), which ultimately will drive potential clients to the blog.

However, the disadvantages to hiring a writer for each target language are:

  • Writing original content requires commitment, hard work, and time to research and develop the material. As such, coming up with new and interesting articles on a regular basis can be challenging for writers.
  • Finding and retaining writers can sometimes be difficult, especially when looking for someone in the target language who understands the industry.
  • Hiring individual writers can get expensive, especially as more languages are included.

Whether a company opts for translating original blog content or hiring writers to focus on new content, having a multilingual blog will generate new interest in its products and services. As a result, website traffic will increase significantly. Readers enjoy reading material that is written in their native languages, and clients prefer to buy from websites that are localized to their regions. By working with a translation company, you can be certain your blog will be successfully tailored to the international markets you are trying to enter.


One of the most important features of a multilingual website is a blog, which can share great information with clients. However, having a blog comes with its challenges, with one of the primary decisions being whether blog posts should be translated from one language to another or whether different writers should create original content in each target language.