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Professional Translator

4 Reasons You Should Have a Professional Translate Your Materials

In the age of Google Translate and other advanced translation technologies, it can be tempting to use computer-generated…
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Translation Essentials: Interesting Facts About Indian Translation

When most people in the west think about India, their primary reference is Rudyard Kipling or Gandhi. Yet,…
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Six Reasons to Translate Into Chinese

Your translation dollars only go so far and you need to maximize your return on investment. Why translate…
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Medical Translation and the Medical Device Industry

The medical device industry has been growing rapidly over the past decade. With major advances in industrial technology,…
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Why Translate Into Portuguese

There are many obvious reasons a person or business would translate materials into a foreign language. The most…
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Six Interesting Notes about Japanese Translation

Japanese is spoken by slightly less than 200 million people around the world. The vast majority of the…
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Interesting Facts About Indian Translation

When most people in the west think about India, their primary reference is Rudyard Kipling or Gandhi. Yet,…
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Translation Services and Differences in “Common” Culture

The United States and most major nations of the world are vast lands. Sadly, a great number of…
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Translation Services: How immigration Impacts Translation

Over the last 100 years, immigration has become easier and more readily available than ever before. Cars, boats,…
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Translation and Deadlines: Handling Short Notice Requests

You have a project that requires a quick turnaround. Do you know the questions that must be asked…
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