Effective communication is a non-negotiable necessity for quality healthcare. When patients understand their diagnoses, treatment options, care instructions, and trust their providers, they are more likely to adhere to treatments and engage in their own care. This not only improves their health outcomes but also contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system as a whole. Two populations that are marginalized in their ability to obtain effective communication in the healthcare setting are patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) and patients with disabilities.

Fortunately, CMS recently shared its 2024 Final Rule, and it is a significant step forward in improving healthcare accessibility for these often marginalized individuals. This rule emphasizes the importance of clear communication and accessible healthcare materials for diverse patient populations. By addressing these crucial aspects, the CMS aims to create a more inclusive healthcare system that ensures all patients receive the care they need, regardless of language or communication barriers. For professional translation companies like ours, this rule highlights our critical role in supporting healthcare providers as they meet these new standards and minimize communication barriers.

What are the Reasons Behind the New Regulations?

The CMS 2024 Final Rule is driven by several key concerns:

  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Disabilities Hinder Access to Information: Individuals with LEP and disabilities often face significant barriers in accessing healthcare information. Language and communication barriers can lead to misunderstandings, misdiagnoses, and inadequate care that can lead to devastating outcomes. Imagine the uncertainty of needing to go to the emergency department in a foreign country where no one speaks your native language, except you must do this for every single one of your healthcare interactions. This is the reality for many patients with LEP and disabilities. CMS has identified these issues as major obstacles to equitable healthcare.
  • Failure in Translating Materials or Providing Accessible Formats: Many healthcare providers have struggled to consistently provide accurate translated materials for patients with LEP or accessible formats for patients with disabilities. This failure not only affects the quality of care but also raises concerns about compliance with federal regulations and the equitable treatment of all patients. Imagine being asked to sign a consent form for a high-risk surgery, but not being able to read or be told what is at stake and what alternative treatments are available. Inadequate translation services can result in patients not fully understanding their medical conditions or treatment plans, leading to poorer health outcomes and mistrust in the healthcare system.
  • Need for Equal Access to Healthcare Regardless of Language or Communication Barriers: The CMS recognizes the fundamental right of all individuals to access healthcare services without discrimination. Ensuring that language and communication barriers do not impede access to care is essential for promoting health equity and providing quality care to all patients. This includes making sure that LEP individuals can receive information in their preferred language and that individuals with disabilities have access to information in formats that they can use. No one should receive subpar care because of the language they speak or the disabilities they may have.
  • Promoting Health Equity and Cultural Competency: By addressing language and communication barriers, the CMS aims to promote health equity and cultural competency within the healthcare system. This involves not only providing medical translation services but also training healthcare providers to understand and respect cultural differences that may affect patient care. It is not uncommon for patients of two different cultures to have two completely different wishes regarding their preferred treatment for the same condition. Cultural competency training helps providers deliver care that is respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patient populations. This helps build patient-provider rapport and makes patients more comfortable being active participants in their own health.

Changes Introduced by the Final Rule

The CMS 2024 Final Rule introduces several important changes to enhance language access and communication in healthcare settings.

Key Changes to Translation Requirements

  • Expanded Language Access Requirements: Healthcare providers are now required to offer more comprehensive language services to LEP patients. According to the CMS, “providers must ensure that language services are available for all interactions with LEP individuals, including emergency, outpatient, and inpatient services.” This means that translation services must be readily available for every interaction at all points of care, ensuring that LEP patients can understand and engage in their healthcare no matter the setting or circumstance.
  • Improved Translation and Accessibility Standards: Healthcare providers must ensure that interpreters and translators meet specific qualifications and standards. This includes verifying their proficiency and ensuring they are trained in medical terminology and cultural competence. As CMS states, “high-quality language services are essential to ensure that LEP individuals receive equitable and effective healthcare.” Our company prides itself on offering professional translation services that meet these stringent standards, ensuring that all translated materials are accurate and culturally appropriate.
  • Qualified Interpreters and Translation Services: The rule sets higher standards for the quality of translation and accessibility services. This includes using certified interpreters and translators who are proficient in English, the target language, and medical terminology. For a professional translation company, this underscores the importance of maintaining high standards and ensuring only qualified professionals are employed to meet these requirements.
  • Cultural Competency Training: Providers are encouraged to integrate cultural competency training into their practice to improve communication and understanding with patients from diverse backgrounds. This training helps healthcare professionals understand cultural differences and provide care that respects and responds to these differences. By enhancing their cultural competency, healthcare providers can build stronger relationships with their patients and deliver more effective care.

What are the Benefits of the New Regulations?

The CMS 2024 Final Rule offers several significant benefits:

  • Improved Health Equity for LEP and Disabled Populations: By ensuring that language and communication barriers do not impede access to healthcare, the new regulations promote health equity. This means that all patients, regardless of their language proficiency or disabilities, receive the same quality of care. This is a critical step towards reducing health disparities and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to achieve optimal health no matter their background.
  • Clearer Communication Leads to Better-Informed Healthcare Decisions: Effective communication is crucial for making informed healthcare decisions. When patients understand their diagnoses, treatment options, and care instructions, they can make better-informed decisions about their health. This leads to better adherence to treatments, improved outcomes, and patient/provider satisfaction. Clear communication helps patients feel more confident in their healthcare decisions and fosters a stronger patient-provider relationship.
  • Increased Access to Coverage and Services for All Beneficiaries: The enhanced language access and communication requirements ensure that all beneficiaries have access to the information and services they need. This increased access helps patients navigate the healthcare system more effectively. By making healthcare information more easily accessible, the CMS 2024 Final Rule helps to ensure that all patients can fully utilize their healthcare benefits.

Ulatus Life Science Translation Services: Supporting Healthcare Providers

At Ulatus, we understand the critical role that high-quality translation services play in the healthcare sector. We help overcome language and cultural barriers and present medical materials in a way that adheres to both business requirements and international regulatory standards. We understand the risks and challenges involved in translating for these heavily regulated industries while meeting the quality standards. Our services include clinical trials translation, regulatory submissions translations, medical device translations, linguistic validation, and more. We also offer medical document translation services for product labels, package inserts, instructions for use, patents, manuals, and more. Additionally, our direct medical interpretation services also ensure that patients and providers can communicate effectively in real-time.

By taking advantage of our expertise, healthcare providers can ensure compliance with the CMS 2024 Final Rule and optimize their delivery of high-quality care to all patients. Our comprehensive medical translation services ensure that healthcare providers can meet the diverse needs of their patients, improving access to information and enhancing patient outcomes.


The CMS 2024 Final Rule is a significant step toward enhancing language access and communication in healthcare. By addressing the needs of LEP and disabled populations, the CMS is promoting health equity and ensuring that all patients receive the care they need. For healthcare providers and professional translation companies, this rule represents an opportunity to collaborate to improve the quality of care and support the needs of a increasingly diversifying patient population.

At Ulatus, we are committed to providing a breadth of high-quality medical translation services that meet the demands of today’s complicated healthcare environment. As a professional translation company, we offer certified professionals and advanced technology solutions to ensure ease of implementation and compliance with the latest regulatory requirements. Together, we can make a difference—one translation at a time. For more information on how our services can help your organization comply with the CMS Final Rule, contact us today.